Welcome to the Directory!

This is a compilation of various online libraries, archives, catalogues, and other resources! Just click on a category link below to be sent to a list of resources with a short description of what each one is!

General Resources

Libraries and Archives▪︎ Project Gutenberg - An completely free collection of public domain ebooks, including both fiction and nonfiction.▪︎ Internet Archive - The largest online archive in the world, containing books, movies, music, you name it!▪︎ Wayback Machine - Part of the Internet Archive. Archives old webpages and older versions of current webpages.▪︎ Open Library - Part of the Internet Archive. An online library with a wide selection!▪︎ Directory of Open Access: Journals and Books - Exactly what it says on the tin: directories of open access materials.▪︎ Library of Congress - An excellent resource all around. Too many functions to list here, but it has an extensive online catalog of the physical library as well as online collections of many cool historical documents!▪︎ University of Florida Digital Collections - A collection of collections from the University of Florida. Has everything from science to history to world studies.Other▪︎ Asphodelus' Bookshelf - Another personal resource collection made by another online user! Has lots of cool links!

Search Engines▪︎ Academic Resource Search - An academic search with an amazingly comprehensive set of sources.▪︎ World Cat - Searches through the contents of libraries.▪︎ Springer - Search function for finding scientific documents.▪︎ Science.gov - Searches online scientific databases and websites. Incredibly large source body.▪︎ BASE - Another good general academic search engine.


▪︎ SpringerOpen - Open access scientific journals.▪︎ Wiley Open Access - Open access research project, with ways to add your own research!▪︎ RePec - An index of economic research from around the world.

History and Culture

▪︎ Digital Public Library of America - American history and cultural archive.▪︎Europeana - European history and cultural archive.▪︎LSE Digital Library - London history, has a lot of material on women's rights history.▪︎BL Manuscript Catalogue - Catalogue of illustrated manuscripts from medeival and Renaissance Europe from the British Library.


▪︎ Language Resources - Truly incredible source for learning languages around the world.▪︎ Naming Practices - PDF, shows naming practices from cultures all around the world.

Queer History

▪︎ Oral History Hub - As it says, a hub for queer oral history collections. Lots of information!▪︎ ACTUP - An oral history project about the AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power, with links to their current acitivites.▪︎ GLBT History Collections - Digital collections from the GLBT Historical Society.▪︎ Herstory Archives Lesbian history archive.▪︎ UCiv Transgender Archives - Trans+ history archive from the University of Victoria.▪︎ Digital Transgender Archive - Another good trans archive!▪︎Anything That Moves Digital archive of issues of bisexual magazine Anything That Moves.

Anarchism and Communism

▪︎ Marxist Archive - Archive of communist and specifically Marxist literature.▪︎ Anarchist Library - Library of anarchist literature.▪︎It's Going Down - Anarchist and anti-fascist newspaper and community center.▪︎ IWW - International labor union, has information and ways to get involved!▪︎ Asia-Pacific Anarchy - Tumblr post rather than any kind of official archive, but has a truly staggering amount of resources on anarchism in the Asia-Pacific region.